
Modeling Team

Edric Kilimann
AI, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Crypto Specialist

Alt Coin, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, AWS, Azure Quantum, BigData, BitCoin, Block Chain, BTC, Cardano, Chainer Framework, ChainLink, Classifiers, Coco Framework, Cognitive Toolkit, Computer Vision, CosmosDB, Couchbase, Crypto AirDrop, Crypto Currency, CUDA, DAO, DAPP, Dash, Data Science, Deep Learning, Defi, DevOps, Docker, Dogecoin, DynamoDB, Encog, Erc20, Ethereum, FinTech, Golang, Hadoop, HashGraph, HBase, Hyper Ledger, ICO, ImageNet, IOT, Iota, Jupyter, Keras, Kubernetes, Lightning Network, Linux, Litecoin, LTC, Machine Learning, Mahout, MatLab, Matplotlib, Monero, Mongo DB, MXNet, Nano, Nethereum, Neural Network, NFT, NodeJS, NoSQL, NumPy, ONNX, OpenAI, OpenCV, OpenNLP, OpenPulse, OpenQASM, Polkadot, PyData, Python, PyTorch, Qiskit, Quants, Quantum Computing, Quantum Katas, Qubit, Ripple, Robotics, Scala, Scikit, SciPy, Segwit, SHIB, Smart Contracts, Solana, Solidity, Solr, Spark, Stable Coins, Stellar, SynapseML, Tensor Flow, Tether, Ubuntu, XRP

Edric Kilimann
Software Technology Specialist

C#, VB.NET, VS.NET, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, XML, XSD, Win Forms, Web Server/User Controls, Namespaces, Mail, Web Forms, Collections, Threading, Remoting, IO, Security, Mail, HTTP Classes, Serialization, Regex, Debugging, Interfaces, Events, Delegation, Streams, Windows Services, Exceptions, Deployment, Obfuscation, Caching, Custom Session Objects, BLOB, Impersonation, Assemblies, GAC, GUID, Providers, Membership, GUI Form Design, Class Objects, Data Access, Win32 API, DLL Creation, Third Party Objects, Iprincipal, Reflection, Async, POCO, Generics, LINQ, Lambda Expressions State Driven Security, Command Table Pattern, OData/RIA/SQL, MVVM, Forms Authentication, HTML5/Silverlight, JQuery, ThemeRoller, Wijmo, Azure XAML, XAML Power Tools, SL Toolkit, Blend, Local Isolated Storage, Out Of Browser, WCF RIA, Blend, Data Binding, Embedded Database Caliburn, T4 Templates, Sculpture & Molds, Enterprise Library, MVVM, Dependency Injection, CRUD SQL, T-SQL, PK-FK, Triggers, Views, Stored Procedures, Cursors, @variables, @@functions, SQL-Mail, Functions, DBA (65%) DOM, ASP, HTML, DHTML, XML, XSTL, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, Active-X, SSL, IIS, Database Needs assessment, conceptual design, complex RDBMS architectures, normalization

Edric Kilimann
Social Media Integration Specialist

Customer Relationship Management practices, strategies and technologies used to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer life-cycle, with the goal of improving business relationships with customers. The overall strategy is to create a pipeline of leads and contacts from various channels such as websites, social media, chat, email & newsletters to make those leads available for further sales processes. Relevant Platforms include: Zoho, HubSpot, Bitrix24, Facebook, FoxyCart, Google, Jamroom, LinkedIn, MailChimp, Microsoft Exchange Server, OneAll, Online Chat, Outlook, Twitter, Yahoo and other Platform Research. Development & API Integrations of Visitors, Members & Users Data Synchronization to CRM. Documentation to Diagram the Flow of Leads & Contacts. For more detailed descriptions of my skillsets and exposure see below.

Edric Kilimann
City/County Technology Resource

Application Migration projects including, analysis, documentation and recommendations. Review Windows Tasks, IIS App Code, permissions, bindings, ODBC DSN, Email functionality and settings on each server. Communicate with vendors about Application Migration prerequisites and configurations. Create Windows 2016 and 2019 Virtual Machines with HyperV for development & testing. Project management, plans & documentation with MS Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive and Office 360.

Edric Kilimann
Recruiting Specialist

Experience developing candidate leads and pipelines through cold calling, search engines, professional & social networks, job boards, lists, directories, candidate database mining, referrals, networking, and professional outreach, deep web resource data mining, leveraging referrals and multiple channel identification methods including professional associations, networking groups, social network connectivity in the pursuit of prospective candidates for individual or recurrent job openings. Expert at using applicant tracking systems to manage candidates and department activities. Experienced in all phases of the entire hiring cycle, from writing job requisitions, placing jobs on-line, in-depth interviews, reference checks, preparing offers, negotiating offers and selling candidates on an opportunity. Able to prepare charts that show the cost per hire, along with the time it take to complete hires, prepare EEO and diversity reports that cover interviews, as well as new hires. Work effectively with hiring managers, helping to develop a staffing strategy, prepare hiring timelines and job requisitions. Provide ongoing consulting value to clients and maximize search/recruitment efforts by remaining current on industry trends and developments.